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      發(fā)布時間:2023-06-30 16:26:59 瀏覽:0



      浙江大學-時代天使智慧醫(yī)療聯(lián)合研究中心是由浙江大學和上海時代天使公司于2020年12月共同建立的校企聯(lián)合研究中心。 聯(lián)合研究中心聚焦人工智和機器學習前沿方向,結(jié)合口腔醫(yī)學開展深入交叉研究,致力于打造智能化的臨床診斷技術(shù),提供高水平的智能化醫(yī)療服務(wù)。聯(lián)合研究中心依托于浙江大學-伊利諾伊大學厄巴納香檳校區(qū)聯(lián)合學院(ZJU-UIUC Institute),與UIUC、新加坡國立大學、新加坡科技設(shè)計大學等海外高校保持長期密切合作關(guān)系。聯(lián)合研究中心由浙江大學李爾平教授(IEEE Fellow)擔任中心主任,劉佐珠研究員擔任副主任,具備良好的科研環(huán)境和工作氛圍。










      任職時間:2-3年,參加劉佐珠博士與Zhipei Liang教授合作項目的博士后研究員可以安排前往美國UIUC訪學1年。











      有意向申請者請發(fā)送個人簡歷(中英文)、1-2篇代表性論文、至少2名推薦人聯(lián)系方式以及擬入職時間到郵箱:zuozhuliu@intl.zju.edu.cn,并抄送:haoji_hu@zju.edu.cn,【快捷投遞:點擊下方“立即投遞/投遞簡歷”,即刻進行職位報名】 郵件注明“博士后招聘+姓名+擬入職時間+高校人才網(wǎng)”,中心將對申請人材料進行綜合評估并盡快安排面試。



      劉佐珠 https://person.zju.edu.cn/lzz

      胡浩基 https://person.zju.edu.cn/huhaoji

      李爾平 https://person.zju.edu.cn/liep

      Zhipei Liang http://mri.beckman.illinois.edu/



      Multiple (2-4) Postdoctoral Research Fellow Openings at ZJU-Angelalign R&D Center for Intelligent Healthcare (Zhejiang University)


      1.Research Areas

      Artificial Intelligence, Medical Image Analysis, Multimodal Learning, Brain Science


      2.ZJU-Angelalign R & D Center

      ZJU-Angelalign Research & Development Center for Intelligent Healthcare is a joint research center established by Zhejiang University and Angelalign Inc.  in December 2020. It is located at the Zhejiang University and University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Joint College (ZJU-UIUC Institute) and collaborates closely UIUC, NUS, SUTD etc. The center focuses on the frontiers of artificial intelligence, machine learning, stomatology, brain science etc, aiming at creating intelligent clinical diagnostic technology and providing high-level digital medical products and services. The center is led by Prof. Li Erping (Director) and Porf. Liu Zuozhu (Vice Director). Now, we are looking for 2-4 excellent Postdoctoral Research Fellows.


      1.Have passion for research, be responsible, have a spirit of teamwork and good communication skills. Strong interest in Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Healthcare, Computer Vision, Signal Processing, Multimodal learning, Brain Science and other related research directions.

      2.Ph.D. degree (graduated or will defense soon) in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Statistics, and other related fields.

      3.A good publications list at the last 5 years.

      4.Strong English communication skills.

      5.Under 35 years old, and in good health.

      6.Research background in Medical Image Analysis, Multimodal learning, Deep Neural Network Compression, Brain Science etc. (not necessary, but strongly preferred)

      4.Job Description

      Supervisors: Prof. Liu Zuozhu, Prof. Hu Haoji, Prof. Li Erping, Porf. Zhipei-Liang (UIUC, USA)

      Duration: 2-3 years. Postdoctoral researchers in the collaborative project between Dr. Zuozhu Liu and Professor Zhipei Liang could visit UIUC for 1 year.

      Responsibilities: Carry out research work in the fields of Deep Learning, Intelligent Healthcare, Computer Vision, etc.; Apply for research projects; Supervise students, Complete corresponding assessment tasks according to Zhejiang University postdoctoral management regulations.

      Location: Haining International Campus or Yuquan Campus of Zhejiang University (Beautiful campuses)

      5.Wages and Benefits

      1.The annual salary ranges from RMB 250,000 to RMB 350,000, and bonus will be awarded based upon performance. Providing salary and benefits, medical care, endowment insurance and provident fund in accordance with the Zhejiang University postdoctoral management regulations.

      2.The research group provides front-rank scientific research conditions for postdocs, encourages postdocs to participate in high-level academic conferences, and supports them to apply for postdoctoral funds and other national and local research projects and postdoctoral funding projects.

      3.Apartment arranged by the university, school enrollment for children, and other benefits.

      4.Related Talent Program in Hangzhou. Postdoctoral fellows are generally E-talent. Post-doctoral students who finished their terms can apply for the D-type talent plan if they stay in Hangzhou. There are policies such as house purchase subsidies for selected candidates.

      5.Postdoctoral personnel who have worked for more than three years may apply for the professional title of Zhejiang University. Post-doctoral candidates who are outstanding in the final evaluation will have priority to apply for various faculty and research positions in the university.

      6.Additional wages and research subsidies for those who have successfully joined the Boxin program.

      6.Application Procedures

      Please email the following materials to zuozhuliu@intl.zju.edu.cn and haoji_hu@zju.edu.cn 

      CV (Mandarin and English for Chinese, English only for international candidates)

      1-2 Representative papers

      Contact information of 2 references

      Expected date to start

      Personal homepage of supervisors:

      Liu Zuozhu https://person.zju.edu.cn/lzz

      Hu Haoji https://person.zju.edu.cn/huhaoji

      Li Erping https://person.zju.edu.cn/liep

      Zhipei Liang http://mri.beckman.illinois.edu/

      事業(yè)單位招聘信息標簽:浙江大學伊利諾伊大學厄巴納香檳校區(qū)聯(lián)合學院浙江大學-時代天使智慧醫(yī)療聯(lián)合研究中心高校教師招聘 浙江大學伊利諾伊大學厄巴納香檳校區(qū)聯(lián)合學院浙江大學-時代天使智慧醫(yī)