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      發布時間:2023-09-13 17:23:49 瀏覽:0

      Wenzhou-Kean University College of Science and Technology Positions


      因學校發展需要,現面向海內外公開招聘學術科研、教學博士人才(Tenure Track Assistant/Associate Professor/Lecturer)。應聘者需在專業相關領域取得博士學位,且有流利、熟練的英文授課、科研與辦公能力。請根據要求把英文版的應聘相關材料發送到對應學科的遴選委員會郵箱。溫州肯恩大學將提供一定的科研經費支持Tenure Track Assistant/Associate Professor的科研項目。



      2023 Biology Lecturer/Assistant Professor

      Candidates should be able to teach upper level courses related to systems biology, genetics, organismal biology, or cell biology in addition to General Biology courses.

      Early career researchers with PhD degree in systems biology, genetics, organismal biology, cell biology or related disciplines, obtained within the past 10 years from reputable universities (Carnegie R1 institutions or comparable research institutions with strong academic reputation in the fields), are encouraged to apply.

      Application Information:

      Please send cover letter, resume, statement of teaching philosophy, statement of research goals, unofficial transcripts, two most recent peer-reviewed academic publications, and contact information of three professional references by email to Search Committee Chairperson at wkubio@wku.edu.cn. Official transcripts for all degrees and three current letters of recommendation are required before appointment.

      Search Committee Chairperson at wkubio@wku.edu.cn


      2023 Computer Science Lecturer/Assistant Professor/Associate Professor

      The tenure-track Assistant/Associate Professor positions are 10-month full-time assignments appointed on an initial 3-year contract. Tenure-track faculty are required to teach 24 credits per academic year, conduct high quality student-engaging research, and provide service to the university and/or professional community. Tenure-track appointments require publications in well recognized and vigorously peer-reviewed international journals on Computer Science or other closely related subjects.

      Full-time lecturers are expected to teach 39 credits per year, provide student and learning support services, and perform related work as required.

      Candidates should be able to to teach introductory and intermediate Computer Science courses such as Introduction to Programming in Java/C/C++, Data Structures and Algorithms and Operating Systems are required for all positions. Candidate will also have opportunity of teaching graduate level courses in their fields of interest.

      Application Information:

      Please send cover letter, resume, statement of teaching philosophy, statement of research goals, unofficial transcripts, three most recent publications (for associate professor position) and contact information of three professional references by email to Search Committee Chairperson at wkucomputersci@wku.edu.cn. Official transcripts for all degrees and three current letters of recommendation are required before appointment.

      Search Committee Chairperson at wkucomputersci@wku.edu.cn.


      2023 Mathematics Lecturer/Assistant/Associate Professor

      English fluency and ability to teach upper division courses related to applied mathematics and statistics including data analytics, machine learning, image processing, statistical learning, optimization, big data computing and discrete mathematics or a closely related area.

      Application Information:

      Please send cover letter, resume, statement of teaching philosophy, statement of research goals, unofficial transcripts, three most recent peer-reviewed academic publications (for the associate professor position) and contact information of three professional references by email to Search Committee Chairperson at wkumath@wku.edu.cn. Official transcripts for all degrees and three current letters of recommendation are required before appointment.

      Search Committee Chairperson at wkumath@wku.edu.cn.

      Background Screening:

      Wenzhou-Kean University conducts background screenings on all job candidates upon acceptance of a contingent offer and may use a third-party administrator to conduct background Screenings.







      事業單位招聘信息標簽:溫州肯恩大學理工學院招聘 溫州肯恩大學理工學院博士后招聘 溫州肯恩大學理工學院科研人員招聘 溫州肯恩大學理工學院高校人才招聘