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      發布時間:2023-11-09 10:22:40 瀏覽:0

      Wenzhou-Kean University College of Liberal Arts Positions


      因學校發展需要,現面向海內外公開招聘學術科研、教學博士人才(Tenure Track Assistant/Associate Professor/Lecturer)。應聘者需在專業相關領域取得博士學位,且有流利、熟練的英文授課、科研與辦公能力。請根據要求把英文版的應聘相關材料發送到對應學科的遴選委員會郵箱。溫州肯恩大學將提供一定的科研經費支持Tenure Track Assistant/Associate Professor的科研項目。


      2024 Psychology Assistant/Associate Professor/Lecturer

      College of Liberal Arts at WKU is seeking vibrant candidates to teach a full range of undergraduate Psychology courses including, but not limited to: General Psychology, Professional Psychology, Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Psychological Statistics, Experimental Psychology, Tests and Measurements, Child Psychology and Psychotherapy and Counseling Techniques. In addition to teaching and research, faculty are expected to contribute to the growth of the programs, including, but not limited to: curriculum development, program assessment, student recruitment/advisement, office hours, senior project supervision, internship opportunities, research experience for undergraduates.

      Application Information:

      Please send cover letter, resume, statement of teaching philosophy, research statement (tenure track position), unofficial transcripts and contact information of three professional references by email to Search Committee Chairperson at wkupsych@wku.edu.cn. Official transcripts for all degrees and three current letters of recommendation are required before appointment.

      Search Committee Chairperson at wkupsych@wku.edu.cn


      2024 Communication Assistant Professor/Lecturer

      The School of Communication in the College of Liberal Arts is seeking vibrant candidates to teach a full range of undergraduate Communication courses including, but not limited to: Social Media, Media Relations, Journalism, Speech Communication, Business & Professional Communication, Media Production, Public Relations and upper level Communication electives.

      Application Information:

      Please send a cover letter, resume, statement of teaching philosophy, a research statement describing research interest, past accomplishments in research and research plan (for tenure track positions only), unofficial transcripts, and contact information of three professional references by email to the Search Committee Chairperson at wkucomm@wku.edu.cn. Official transcripts for all degrees and three current letters of recommendation are required before the appointment.

      Search Committee Chairperson at wkucomm@wku.edu.cn


      2024 Sociology Assistant/Associate Professor/Lecturer

      The College of Liberal Arts at WKU is seeking candidates from a variety of subfields in Sociology, including but not limited to:

      Environmental Sociology

      Sociology of Language

      Sociology of Architecture

      Sociology of Gender

      Successful candidates should be prepared to teach Introduction to Sociology as well as upper-level electives in the field.

      Application Information:

      Please send cover letter, resume, statement of teaching philosophy, research statement (tenure track position), unofficial transcripts and contact information of three professional references by email to Search Committee Chairperson at wkucla@wku.edu.cn. Please include “Sociology Search” in the subject. Official transcripts for all degrees and three current letters of recommendation are required before appointment.

      Search Committee Chairperson at wkucla@wku.edu.cn. Please include “Sociology Search” in the subject.


      2024 Linguistics Tenure Track Assistant/Associate Professor

       The School of English Studies seeks to fill a tenure-track position in Applied Linguistics, with special emphasis on language acquisition. Successful candidates will offer courses in the theory and practice of teaching English as a second language as well as various applied linguistics courses.

      Application Information:

      A Ph.D. in English, Rhetoric and Composition, or Linguistics is required; ABD can be considered with completion prior to the effective date of employment.

      Please send cover letter, CV, statement of teaching philosophy, a research statement describing research interests, past accomplishments in research, and future research plans, unofficial transcripts, and the email contact information of three professional references. Please send all materials to Search Committee Chairperson at wkuenglish@wku.edu.cn. Three current letters of recommendation are required before advancement. Official transcripts for all degrees are required before appointment.

      Search Committee Chairperson at wkuenglish@wku.edu.cn.


      2024 Asian Literature Tenure Track Assistant/Associate Professor

      The School of English Studies seeks to fill a tenure-track position in Asian Literature in Translation or Asian Comparative Literary Studies. Successful candidates will develop and offer courses in Asian literary studies as well as world literature.

      Application Information:

      Please send cover letter, CV, statement of teaching philosophy, a research statement describing research interests, past accomplishments in research, and future research plans, unofficial transcripts, and the email contact information of three professional references. Please send all materials to Search Committee Chairperson at wkuenglish@wku.edu.cn. Three current letters of recommendation are required before advancement. Official transcripts for all degrees are required before appointment. Official transcripts for all degrees are required before appointment.

      Search Committee Chairperson at wkuenglish@wku.edu.cn.


      2024 ESL Education and Curriculum Design Lecturer

      The School of English Studies in the College of Liberal Arts at WKU seeks to fill two lecturer positions to develop curriculum and teach ESL classes to local area elementary and secondary schools, offer teacher-training workshops, and supervise student internship experiences at local schools as part of WKU’s growing community outreach educational programs. Additionally, there will be opportunity to teach various levels of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) courses to WKU students.  

      Application Information:

      M.A. in ESL Education and Curriculum Design, TESOL, ELT, EAP, or Applied Linguistics (with emphasis on language acquisition) is required; Ph.D. or Ed.D. is preferred. Prior experience teaching ESL in elementary and/or secondary education contexts is highly desirable.

      Please send cover letter, CV, statement of teaching philosophy, unofficial transcripts, and the email contact information of three professional references. Please send all materials to Search Committee Chairperson at wkuenglish@wku.edu.cn. Three current letters of recommendation are required before advancement. Official transcripts for all degrees are required before appointment.

      Search Committee Chairperson at wkuenglish@wku.edu.cn.


      2024 Translation and Interpretation Tenure Track Assistant/Associate Professor

      The School of English Studies seeks to fill a tenure-track position in Translation and Interpretation. Successful candidates will offer courses in Chinese-English translation and interpretation as well as various applied linguistics courses. There also will be opportunity to participate in the design and installation of a new simultaneous interpretation lab.

      Application Information:

      A Ph.D. in Translation and Interpretation or Linguistics is required.

      Please send cover letter, CV, statement of teaching philosophy, a research statement describing research interests, past accomplishments in research, and future research plans, unofficial transcripts, and the email contact information of three professional references. Please send all materials to Search Committee Chairperson at wkuenglish@wku.edu.cn. Three current letters of recommendation are required before advancement. Official transcripts for all degrees are required before appointment.

      Search Committee Chairperson at wkuenglish@wku.edu.cn.


      2024 Composition and/or Professional Writing Lecturer

      The School of English Studies in the College of Liberal Arts at WKU seeks to fill several lecturer positions to teach a two-part series of first-year composition courses for EFL learners and/or technical and professional writing courses. Ability to teach world literature courses is highly desirable.

      Application Information:

      M.A. or Ph.D. in English or rhetoric and composition is required for the composition lecturer positions.

      Please send cover letter, CV, statement of teaching philosophy, unofficial transcripts, and the email contact information of three professional references. Please send all materials to Search Committee Chairperson at wkuenglish@wku.edu.cn. Three current letters of recommendation are required before advancement. Official transcripts for all degrees are required before appointment.

      Search Committee Chairperson at wkuenglish@wku.edu.cn.


      2024 Composition and/or Professional Writing Lecturer

      The School of English Studies in the College of Liberal Arts at WKU seeks to fill several lecturer positions to teach various levels of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) courses.

      Application Information:

      M.A. or Ph.D. in TESOL, ELT, EAP, or Applied Linguistics is required for EAP lecturer positions.

      Please send cover letter, CV, statement of teaching philosophy, unofficial transcripts, and the email contact information of three professional references. Please send all materials to Search Committee Chairperson at wkuenglish@wku.edu.cn. Three current letters of recommendation are required before advancement. Official transcripts for all degrees are required before appointment.

      Search Committee Chairperson at wkuenglish@wku.edu.cn.

      Background Screening:

      Wenzhou-Kean University conducts background screenings on all job candidates upon acceptance of a contingent offer and may use a third-party administrator to conduct background Screenings.







      事業單位招聘信息標簽:溫州肯恩大學人文學院招聘 溫州肯恩大學人文學院博士后招聘 溫州肯恩大學人文學院科研人員招聘 溫州肯恩大學人文學院高校人才招聘